Wednesday, January 26, 2011



“so… how long have u been working here?” ..i sighed. That question might have been a drag sometime ago but these days I simply shrugged and say, “only I’m 40 minutes in and have another 40 to go before I break..”

I know what he means. I am tempted to say I a “lumpy” and I feel enthusiastic cos its my 1st shift.

Every moment of life I live a fresh. Ever new, ever present, ever alert (if I stray then I gently bring myself back to the here n now again)

16 years later, 5 major games, a few mental breakdowns and half a head loss of hair (no I’m not obsessed about my hair – thank u) I survived – actually I realized.

In the journey of self-discovery one looks inward and address every attitude and issues of hurt, pain and dissapointments gently and constructively in a centred and calm manner. Meditation and relaxation during time alone truly (I vouch my new mac book pro n new Htc desire adroid on it!) helps. Just look at me now!

I know.. I know I waffle on a bit. But hey, you don’t ve to read on if u don’t want to. (even the English is txt format – lol). Ok, the serious stuff is this. I bring it to work and I practice it at work.

During break times u won’t find me. I ‘d be closing my eyes and doing a mini retreat for my time alone. Resting my eyes, meditating for a minute or 2 and reading some motivational stuff. Anti-social? Well that’s my nourishment and until I become an expert like a yogi master (that’s not yogi bear excuse me) I will take my sustenance this way and rejuvenate.

I pour myself 100% to my work and treat it with full gusto and enthusiasm not for career sake but for my own journey sake. I treat it like a zen practice. I treat in the mentality of a samurai warrior. Laugh if u like – I don’t do it for the company, or for me selfishly – I do it for you. For in this process the enjoyment is more than immense – its transcendental and out of this world!

Yes I do it for u my readers. I want to show u that it can be done. I talk too much so it’s time I let this airy-fairy stuff live through me. When u notice the difference and if u are interested  I ll pop a few lines here and there and point the way.

The most important thing is the customers. The people. Yes – the staff and the customers alike. Managers are humans, staff are humans. Human relationships are vital – human relating is even more so.

Human relating vs human relationship. One is the past the other is the current and happening at this here and now. The presence of supervisors on the table games speak all too loudly. The presence of pit bosses on the floor speaks louder than any words. The presence of executives on the floor speaks tons more.

Sure each level of management and staff has its role. We ‘ve been taught not to take things personally or to take personally or to bring personal issues to work. Subtly we do – its behind our minds – our bad moods are there niggling us and causing us disharmony and headaches.

So I say, address all your personal issues. Its not that easy. You might want to contain it first. In containing them after sometime they may or may not dissolve. Its best to gently face them and witness them for what they are – passing of stages to hone us to their lessons so we can be alert and consciously aware of ourselves, others and whats happening within and without.

The approach is holistic. Fix all personal issues first – slowly gently and watch it affect your work naturally. Work is simply an outward expression of the inward. Transform inwardly and the outward follows.

I will leave inner transformation to you. The main ingredient is earnestness and a keen intention to change oneself for the sake of one’s family and community. To want to change because your habits are suffocating you is more than enough.